Mumbai: Actor Vicky Kaushal has recently revealed that working with the Piku director Shoojit Sircar has been one of his 'dream come true' moments.
Sircar's forthcoming directorial is a biopic on Sardar Udham Singh which will feature Uri: The Surgical Strike actor Vicky Kaushal.
Speaking about working with the filmmaker, the 31-year-old actor said: "It's a dream come true for me to be working with Shoojit Sircar because it's a very different process of acting and making a film when you are working with him."
The actor is all set to bring alive the story of Udham Singh on the big screens.
Singh assassinated Michael O' Dwyer, the former lieutenant governor of Punjab in pre-Independence India, in revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919. He was subsequently tried and convicted of murder and hanged in July 1940.
Talking about what appealed the actor to give his nod to the film, he said: "This story and character really appealed to me and the way that Shoojit da wanted to present 'Uddham Singh'... revolutionary to the audience. That really appealed to me."
He further added: "The take on it is really fresh and I am looking forward to it."