Hyderabad: Bollywood's rumoured couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif are extremely cautious about and private when it comes to their alleged relationship. At the recent screening of Shershaa, the duo even avoided being spotted together and timed their entry and exit in such a way that paps don't get their pictures together. The ambiguity and secrecy around their relationship is apparently one of the reasons why their fans are so invested in all things #VicKat (that's how the duo is referred to by their fans.)
While the couple is yet to announce their relationship, webloids have already started tallying how compatible Vicky and Katrina are as a couple. According to a webloid report, the couple is "extremely compatible."
While nothing much is known about Vicky and Katrina's love story, a webloid report decoded the Uri actor and Katrina's compatibility based on their zodiac signs. Born on July 16, Kaif is a Cancerian while Vicky, Born on May 16 belongs to the Taurus zodiac sign. If the report is anything to go by, there are more chances of them sharing a relationship that is based on trust, loyally and romance.