Mumbai: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has revealed the 'main brief' which was given to him by his father and Director David Dhawan during the shooting of his upcoming film "Coolie No 1".
Varun took to his official Instagram account on Sunday sharing photographs with David Dhawan from the sets of the film.
The actor wrote, "Conviction was the main brief of the Director while doing every scene in #COOLIENO1. For some reason whenever I'm listening to a scene in my head I take off to this imaginary land... Woke up with a big smile today all because of the amount of love I received yesterday."
Varun's social media post comes a day after the release of the trailer of "Coolie No 1", a film which stars Sara Ali Khan opposite him. While a section of netizens criticised Varun alleging he had overacted in the film while some fans compared him with Govinda. The actor also received love and appreciation from his fans.