Mumbai: Actor Varun Dhawan escaped unhurt when a stunt went wrong while shooting for his upcoming film Coolie No. 1.
While shooting for a scene on Sunday, Varun got stuck inside a car hanging off a cliff when the doors of the car got jammed. Varun kept his calm and escaped unhurt.
The unit was filming a scene in the outskirts of Pune, which required the actor to deliver some close-up shots inside a car as it hung off the cliff.
According to an onlooker present during the shoot, when Varun was filming his shot, he realised that the car door had got jammed and wouldn't open.
"Even though the stunt was rehearsed several times under the supervision of the stunt coordinators and all the safety precautions were taken by the director and the producers of the film, things didn't go well as planned. This was just a one-off freak incident," the onlooker said.