Mumbai: Actor Urvashi Rautela has donated Rs 5 crore to aid the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and said, "we need to get together and no donation is too small."
Recently, Urvashi took to Instagram to inform her fans about conducting a virtual dance masterclass. Her session is free for all those who wish to lose their weight and learn dance. In the session, she taught Zumba, Tabata and Latin dance. The dance masterclass on TikTok connected her with 18 million people and she received Rs 5 crore for it, which she donated.
"I am extremely grateful to everyone, whatever they are doing, not only to actors, politicians, musicians or professional athletes, but also to the common people, because we all need to be together, and we all need their support, and no donation is too small, and together we can help the world to beat this," Urvashi said.