New Delhi: The Indian film production company Vidhu Vinod Chopra (VVC) Films in collaboration with the book publishing house Penguin, on Monday has announced a book titled 'Unscripted' on conversations on life and cinema by leading filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra and award-winning writer Abhijat Joshi.
According to the official release, in 'Unscripted', Vidhu Vinod Chopra speaks to his long-time collaborator and scriptwriter Abhijat Joshi about his anomalous journey. Engaging and illuminating, the book provides a glimpse into the mind, method and madness of one of contemporary Hindi cinema's best filmmakers.
Commenting on the release, Joshi said, "Once when I had helped Vinod with a quote for some occasion, he had gifted me a shirt and said, 'Coat (quote) ke badle shirt!' Today when I'm asked for a quote about him, I recall this moment. If the phrase Seize the Day didn't exist, Vinod would have invented it."
In 1992, Joshi wrote a critically acclaimed play, A Shaft of Sunlight, that Chopra happened to see in Birmingham. Their collaboration resulted in films like Mission Kashmir, Eklavya, and most recently, Shikara. The team also included director Rajkumar Hirani in helming major blockbusters in recent years like Lage Raho Munna Bhai, 3 Idiots, PK and Sanju.