Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar announced that he will donate Rs 25 crore to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's PM CAREs fund, on Saturday, in order to support the government's battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taking pride in her husbands action, wife Twinkle Khanna revealed the reason that urged Akshay to take this decision of donating such a whopping amount.
Taking to Twitter, Twinkle Khanna wrote: "The man makes me proud. When I asked him if he was sure as it was such a massive amount and we needed to liquidate funds, he just said, 'I had nothing when I started and now that I am in this position, how can I hold back from doing whatever I can for those who have nothing'."
Meanwhile, netizens are lauding Akshay Kumar's initiative at a time when the nation is going through a crisis. Since Saturday evening, keywords like Akshay Kumar, Akshay Ji, Khiladi and 25 crores have been trending on Twitter.