Mumbai: Keeping up with the new fun of Bollywood, actor Twinkle Khanna on Wednesday shared a picture featuring her and husband Akshay Kumar as The Simpsons characters.
The 46-year-old took to Instagram to share the picture, in which the duo is seen standing and exchanging smiles. The other attraction in the picture is a book she is holding, in which it is written 'Mrs. Funnybones.'
Taking to the captions, the Baadshah actor wrote: "Aww...This really brings out the crazy in us. I've always wondered what it would be like to step into The Simpsons world and now we're a step closer!"
She wrapped up the post by expressing excitement about the upcoming new season of the popular sitcom and wrote: "I don't know who needs to hear this, but all 31 seasons of the Simpsons are streaming & I can't wait to watch the latest one with my kids. Goodbye responsibilities, hello couch!"
Earlier on Wednesday, the Bollywood brother-sister duo -- Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor -- too shared a cartoon picture of them and said that they are eagerly waiting for the new season of the sitcom.