Mumbai: Actor Ranveer Singh shared the poster of Saqib Saleem who is going to feature the role of former Indian cricketer Mohinder "Jimmy" Amarnath Bhardwaj in his upcoming film 83. Akshay Kumar showered wishes to fans on the special occasion of Lohri, while, Karan Johar unveiled the first look poster of his next Mr. Lele. Let's come over to some of the interesting tweets of today.
Ranveer wrote, "Courage of a Lion. Nerves of Steel. The Indomitable Comeback King of India. Presenting @Saqibsaleem as MOHINDER ‘JIMMY’ AMARNATH 🏏🏆."
"Wishing you all a very #HappyLohri. May this joyous occasion bring happiness and prosperity to you and your family," tweeted Akshay.