Mumbai: Ranveer Singh shared the poster of Jatin Sarna who is going to feature the role former cricket player Yashpal Sharma in his upcoming film 83. Panga starrer Kangana Ranaut shared a picture with director Ashwini Iyer Tiwari from the sets of Indian Idol 11, while, on the other hand, Katrina Kaif took up the 'What is in your Dabba' challenge. Let's come over to some of the interesting tweets of today.
Ranveer tweeted, "GUTSY & GLORIOUS! Enter the Exponent of Explosive willow-wielding that could change any game! Presenting @jatinsarna as #YashpalSharma #ThisIs83. Iss baar Chhattri nahi, Bhai ka Balla bolega!!! 🏏⚡🏏⚡."
"The Panga-tastic duo @Ashwinyiyer & #KanganaRanaut on sets of #IndianIdol11 tonight #Panga releases on 24th January," wrote Kangana.