Mumbai: Bollywood celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan, Sonakshi Sinha, Priyank Chopra and Karan Johar took to their Twitter handles to pass on their messages to fans.
Condemning the heinous crime, the Mission Mangal actor tweeted: "Whether it is #PriyankaReddy in Hyderabad, #Roja in Tamil Nadu or the law student gang-raped in Ranchi, we seem to be losing it as a society. It has been 7 yrs to the gut-wrenching #Nirbhaya case & our moral fabric continues to be in pieces. We need stricter laws. This needs to STOP!"
Participating at the special memorial organised for the fallen heroes of 26/11, legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan on Friday tweeted: "Proud to have participated at this special memorial for the 26/11 Mumbai attacks .. Come join me in solidarity with the survivors on Saturday at 9:30 pm."