Mumbai: Scrolling down the social media feeds, we find several interesting pieces of information and updates relating to the B-town celebs' life. While the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar and producer-cum-director Karan Johar paid tribute to Yash chopra on his 87th birth anniversary, Akshay Kumar and Riteish Deshmukh shared their upcoming film's trailer on Twitter. On the other hand, singer Adnan Sami gave a glimpse of his jamming session. Find out what the stars have in store for you today.
Actor Riteish Deshmukh shared the trailer of the multi starrer film Housefull 4 on Twitter. He wrote: "6 logon ki reincarnation journey kaise inki zindagi badalti hai jaaniye #Housefull4 mein."
Sharing the film's trailer on Twitter, the Khiladi actor Akshay Kumar wrote: "Love, laughter and more at the #Housefull4 trailer launch today. Trailer out now! Takliya."