Mumbai: B-town celebs frequently update their social media platforms. Akshay Kumar must have been surprised to see a die-heart fan who travelled 900 kms from Gujarat to Mumbai just to meet him. On the other hand, Prabhas shared a video from Saaho which is surely a post-treat for fans after release of the film on Friday. Let's have a look at some interesting tweets.
Actor Akshay Kumar shared a picture with his die-heart fan Prabat who walked 900 kms from Gujarat to Mumbai just to meet him. He captioned, "It’s always great to meet you all and I’m grateful for all the love you give me but a request to please not do these things...focus your time, energy and resources in bettering your life, that’ll make me the happiest 🙏🏻 Wishing Parbat all the very best."
As Subh Mangal Saavdhan clocked two years today, the lead starrer Ayushmann Khurrana shared a motion poster and wrote, "Sugandha and Mudit ki not so normal love story ko ho gaye poore do saal, par ab tayyar ho jaiye hone ke liye aur bhi zyada saavdhan! Valentines 2020#2YearsOfShubhMangalSaavdhan @aanandlrai@bhumipednekar@cypplOfficial @hiteshkewalya."