Mumbai:Action star Tiger Shroff has donned the hat of a singer for a third time, with his new single Vande Mataram. The actor unveiled the motion poster of the single which will release on August 14, a day ahead of India's Independence Day. A tribute to the spirit of free India, Vande Mataram has been directed by Remo D'Souza and produced by Jackky Bhagnani's Just Music.
Tiger took to his Instagram page to share the firt look and wrote, "This is the first time I have attempted to sing a song like this, So excited and nervous at the same time to share with you all my next single #VandeMataram. It's not just a song but an emotion that celebrates independent India. Extremely grateful to share a special song, a tribute to our India, our home. Releasing on 10th August."
Soon after Tiger dropped the first look, Disha shared the same on her Instagram Stories and wrote, "Can't wait."