Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra celebrates her birthday today. The wishes are pouring in from friends and family on her birthday. But it was Arjun Kapoor's funny birthday post for her that apparently has made Parineeti's day.
Wishing Parineeti on her birthday, Arjun shared a string of photographs from her travel diaries. Not only that, he even smartly photoshopped himself in the pictures and wrote a funny caption alongside the images. "Pari you travel the world and I travel with you in your heart. Happy birthday to the World Tourism Ambassador! You deserve the title. @parineetichopra," reads the caption.
Parineeti was quick enough in reciprocating the love coming her way and wrote on Arjun's timeline: "Oh sh**t bina visa ke entry?? Baba please show me your ID. (Also this is exactly why I love you. Thankkkyouuu my original, sabse special, pehla hero and friend) 💕💕💕."