Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar finds it "sad" that actors these days are reluctant to sign films having two or more heroes and instead opt only for films that offer them solo-hero subjects.
"To be honest and without taking names, actors in our industry still don't understand the fact that they should do two-hero or three-hero subject. They are not doing it. I have tried to find out why they don't want to do it. Everybody wants to do a solo hero subject. The earlier generation - my generation - did it. They even worked in three-hero subjects," Akshay said at a promotional event for his new film 'Mission Mangal' on Friday.
Akshay, who has featured alongside five actresses in 'Mission Mangal' said, "These days two heroes hardly want to work together. Even if they do, they do it after repeated requests. This doesn't happen in Hollywood. It only happens here and it is very sad."
Expressing his interest in doing a multiple-hero film, the actor said, "I would love to work in a four-hero or five-hero subject. It doesn't matter as long as your role is fine and you know you are part of a good film. I don't know, is it the insecurity that matters to them (actors of today) or anything else, I have failed to understand."