Mumbai (Maharashtra): Vivek Agnihotri's latest directorial venture, The Kashmir Files, is unstoppable at the box office. The film, featuring Anupam Kher in the lead, registered a strong second weekend, crossing the Rs 150 crore mark. Indian film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the movie's box office collection on his Twitter handle. The film, which has been shattering box office records, collected Rs 3.55 crore on its opening day. It witnessed an increase in numbers on the first Saturday, earning Rs 8.50 crore. The movie registered even higher figures on its first Sunday and Monday, minting Rs 15.10 crore and Rs 15.05 crore, respectively.
On its first Tuesday, the film minted Rs 18 crore, taking its total to Rs 60.20 crore. This double-digit figure on a weekday broke post-pandemic records set by previous Bollywood films. The Kashmir Files continued recording high numbers, earning Rs 19.05 crore on Wednesday, Rs 18.05 crore on Thursday, Rs 19.15 on its second Friday and Rs 24.80 on its second Saturday. The film minted Rs 26.20 crore on Sunday, taking its total to Rs 167.45 crore.