Hyderabad: Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone will star and co-produce Hindi adaption of Hollywood film The Intern is known. The film was announced over a year ago with Deepika and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor playing the lead. After Kapoor's demise, the makers looked for actors who fit the bill for nearly a year and have now reportedly signed Amitabh Bachchan to essay the role which was played by Rober De Niro in the original.
In January 2020, news of Deepika and Rishi starring in the official Hindi remake of the Rober De Niro-Anne Hathaway starrer Hollywood comedy hit, The Intern was announced. The film got derailed for more than a year after the pandemic and Rishi's demise. According to latest reports, the makers have now signed Bachchan for the project and are looking to resume the shoot soon. The film will go on floors once the dates of cast members are locked.