Mumbai: Actor Parineeti Chopra, set to start the official remake of 'The Girl on the Train', knows comparisons with Emily Blunt who essayed the protagonist in the Hollywood thriller, are inevitable. Parineeti says she found Blunt's performance in the movie mind-blowing.
"It is a privilege for me to play the character that she has essayed so brilliantly on screen. The restrain and range she showed as an actor while playing a girl who is troubled and battling herself in the film showed what a fantastic actor she is," Parineeti said in a statement.
"When any actor does a remake of a loved film, there are expectations to match the original, if not better it. So, I realise that audience will look at our film and draw comparisons to the original as well as compare my portrayal of the protagonist versus Emily's," she added.
READ | Parineeti to shoot 'The Girl on the Train' in start-to-finish schedule
She said the best way to deal with it is to "embrace the fact that parallels will be drawn".
"Since the original film was so well-received by people, I'm hoping my film will also receive equal acclaim. I'm not thinking too much about the comparisons because I want to do my best to bring this character to life for Indian audiences," Parineeti said.