Mumbai: Actor Vicky Kaushal has recently uploaded a picture of the new look of his upcoming film 'Marshal of India Sam Maneskshaw' to be directed by Meghna Gulzar. He expressed his honour and delight to get an opportunity to portray himself as a fearless patriot.
"I feel honoured, emotional and proud of getting a chance to unfold the journey of this fearless patriot, the swashbuckling general, the first Field Marshal of India- SAM MANEKSHAW. Remembering him on his death anniversary today and embracing the new beginnings with @meghnagulzar and #RonnieScrewvala,” tweeted the actor.
On her part Meghna Gulzar said, "We wanted to finish the edit on the draft first before reaching out to an actor. One day, I just called up Vicky, who happened to be nearby and invited him over for a cold coffee. We had a conversation about Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. He was about to fly to the US and said that he doesn't want to read the script and would just do the film. But I insisted that he read it and call me."
Meghna clarified that the film is not a biopic “because it does not chronologically just record Sam Manekshaw's life. We need to make an interesting narrative when telling a story by picking out the most crucial, iconic and relevant incidents of his life, giving a view of the soldier, the man, and the Field Marshal.”
Vicky who is playing the role of Sam Manekshaw said, "I personally couldn't witness his achievements, but my parents would always tell me that he was a fearless patriot with an amazing leadership quality. The first time I'd heard of him was in the context of the 1971 Indo-Pak war."
Sharing his view about Meghna, he said, "Working with them feels like home. I have the utmost respect and love for who they are as filmmakers and people."
Speaking about the whole shooting procedure, Meghna said, "We will start shooting in 2021, which is good for all of us because it needs that much prep time as we have the Partition, accession of Kashmir and the 1971 Indo-Pak war to cover in the narrative."