Mumbai: After piquing the curiosity of viewers by sharing intriguing teasers of his upcoming film 'The Big Bull', Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan on Friday dropped an intriguing trailer of the film that sees the actor becoming a part of the 'mother of all the scams'.
The Bluff Master actor took to Twitter and shared the trailer of the film featuring a story inspired by some of the shocking shifts that shook the financial fabric of India. The three-minute-eight second trailer gives major Wolf of Wall Street vibes and shows the sign of an entertainer.
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Directed by Kookie Gulati, the film is reportedly about the securities scam of 1992. It is said to be loosely based on stockbroker Harshad Mehta's life and involvement in financial crimes over a period 10 years, from 1980 to 1990. The subject was made into a popular web series Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story by Harshad Mehta last year.
The film was earlier set to release in October 2020 but was delayed owing to the coronavirus-led pandemic. The makers then decided to go for a direct-to-OTT release. The Big Bull will start streaming on Disney+ Hostar from April 8.