Mumbai: Actor Abhishek Bachchan on Tuesday unveiled the first poster of his upcoming film 'The Big Bull' and announced that the shooting for the film has begun.
The actor who was last seen in 'Manmarziyaan' took to his social media handle to share the news related to his forthcoming film.
Sharing the poster, Abhishek wrote on Instagram: "The Big Bull - an unreal story. Now filming."
The dark poster shows the ornate image of a bronze bull, with a caption that read: 'Abhishek Bachchan in and as The Big Bull'.
Produced by Ajay Devgn, the film will mark the reunion of the 'Dhoom' actor and the 'Singham' actor after almost seven years. The duo last worked together in Rohit Shetty's 'Bol Bachchan'.
Earlier, on Monday, Abhishek had shared the picture of the clapperboard from the film's mahurat.