Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut's social media team on Saturday accused Taapsee Pannu of "reaping the fruits" of the former's struggles and "ganging up on her."
Team Kangana made the allegation in a tweet tagging Taapsee.
"Many chaploos outsiders consistently try to derail d movements started by Kangana, dey want to b in movie mafia good books, dey gt movies and awards fr attacking Kangana and dey take part in open harassment f a woman, shame on u @taapsee u reap the fruits f hr struggles bt gang up on hr," the tweet said.
Taapsee did not directly respond to the allegations. Rather, she quoted motivational Tony Gaskins to point out that "bitter people" with always find "something negative to say about anything positive."
"A couple of things have followed in my life, especially the last few months. Really helped in seeing life in a better light. Brought me a lot of peace n perspective so sharing it," tweeted the actor.
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She also shared a quote by Gaskins that read: "Bitter people. God loves them and so should we. Pray for them. They will find something negative to say about anything positive. They can't be happy for you because they are disgusted with themselves. Don't become bitter with them, become better and pray for their growth and maturity."
This is not the first time Taapsee has faced heat from Kangana's team. Earlier, Kangana's sister Rangoli Chandel had taken a dig at Taapsee calling the actress a "sasti copy" (cheap imitation) of Kangana.
With inputs from IANS