In a statement, Dutta said, “Kangana Ranaut is a bonafide A++ list actress. Why the extra plus because she is the only one who made it to the top of her game in Bollywood without the nagging support and recommendation of A- list male stars, without a high profile surname or an unrealistically perfect, pure and pious facade that most Bollywood actresses seem to wear on and off screen.”
Substantiating her stance, she added, “Besides being a powerhouse performer she has truly set an example of someone who has made a unique and celebrated place for herself in an industry tough to conquer for an outsider. This Damsel has truly made it all the way despite all the distress; leaving the frat boys club of Bollywood and their dames twiddling their thumbs in abject contempt for her success.”
Dutta also claimed that other people in the film industry do not support Ranaut as they are intimidated by her talent.
“Kangana they do not support you because they are intimidated by your talent, they hate your guts and their brawny thick muscle brains can’t seem to figure out how on earth you made it this far without them!! They think they are Gods and it is blasphemy to acknowledge that you shouldered a multimillion-dollar film on your own,” added Dutta.