Mumbai: The Mumbai police who filed a closure report in the alleged sexual harassment case filed by Tanushree Dutta against Nana Patekar, the actor Tanushree has decided to file protest petition against the actor's clean chit in the case.
Tanushree has opposed the B-Summary report filed by the Oshiwara police station. She was represented by advocate Nitin Satpute at Railway Mobile Court in Andheri here.
Her lawyer Satpute told on Sunday, "The court has granted her time to file a protest petition against the B-Summary report. Tanushree's legal team was present, but not a single officer from the Oshiwara police station was in the courtroom at the time of the hearing. The case has been adjourned to September 7."
In June, Mumbai Police spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner of Police Manjunath Shinge said, "Yes, we have filed a B-Summary Report before the court."