Mumbai: Actor Taapsee Pannu on Sunday shared a behind the scene picture (BTS) from her upcoming film Thappad and expressed her joy over sharing screen space with veteran actor Tanvi Azmi.
In the photograph Pannu is seen standing and working with Azmi in a kitchen set-up.
"Kaash aapne usko sikhaaya hota... that it's not ok" Such joy to work with some actors who you have admired on screen for years," she wrote in her picture caption.
Further revealing that Azmi is essaying the role of her mother in law in the film, Pannu wrote, "Tanvi Azmi ma'am plays Amrita's Mother In Law and the first shot I gave for #Thappad was with her."
The 32-year-old actor has been sharing BTS pictures from the flick ever since the release of its trailer.
In Thappad, Pannu is seen essaying the role of a woman who does not tolerate domestic violence in the name of love and relationships.
Earlier, The makers of Thappad released the second trailer of the flick. But the film's lead Taapsee urged her fans and followers to report the video.
READ |Taapsee Pannu urges to report Thappad trailer 2
She further asked the audience to get it banned from YouTube.
The 32-year-old actor shared the moment on Twitter along with the caption that read: "Some things require a powerful action to bring about a change. Watch the Thappad trailer #2, out now!"
In the power-packed trailer, the actor is seen with her husband living in marital bliss. The trailer proceeds to a dinner party, where Taapsee's husband feels insulted and takes his anger out by slapping her.
Taapsee looks into the camera and delivers a message. She asks viewers to report the trailer to YouTube stating such videos have no place online. She further says if the trailer is reported multiple times, it is likely to be removed.
Thappad is set to reach big screens on February 28 this year.