Mumbai: Actor Swara Bhaskar who is graduate of Jawarharlal University tweeted a video in which she is appealed people to gather in large numbers at the campus gate to stop mob violence. Pooja Bhatt, on the other hand, made a lacerating comment on the members of the Bollywood industry who attended the talk and dinner session on Citizenship law arranged two BJP leaders.
"Urgent appeal!!!! To all Delhiites PLS gather in large numbers outside the Main Gate of JNU campus on Baba Gangnath Marg.. to pressure the govt. & #DelhiPolice to stop the rampage by alleged ABVP masked goons on JNU campus. PLS PLS share to everyone in Delhi! 9 pm on 5th. Jan," Swara Bhasker tweeted.
"There is a terror attack on JNU by goons who are allegedly ABVP and RSS backed goons, they have covered their faces... Videos show they are on a rampage inside hostels, they have attacked teachers, they are attacking students..." said Swara Bhaskar.
Alluding to a talk and dinner session on the CAA hosted for b-town personalities by two BJP leaders, Pooja Bhatt tweeted, "To members of my supposed 'fraternity' who were meant to opine & dine with the ruling party this evening, trust you implored them to curtail the violence unfolding across the nation. Or at the very least, as part of the 'scrumptious' meal on offer, help yourselves to some humble pie."