Mumbai: Late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's sister Shweta Singh Kirti posted an open letter on Facebook on Wednesday evening, apologizing to him for all the pain he had to experience.
"Mera baby, mera Babu mera Bachcha is not physically present with us anymore and it is ok... I know u were in a lot of pain and I know u were a fighter and u were bravely fighting it. Sorry mera Sona... sorry for all the pain u had to go through...if I could I would hav taken all ur pain and given all my happiness to u," reads the letter.
Expressing her love for her baby brother, Shweta wrote: "Your twinkling eyes taught the world how to dream, ur innocent smile revealed the true purity of ur heart. You will always be loved mera Baby and so so much more.... Whereever ur mera baby stay happy....stay fulfilled and know that everyone loved, loves u and will always love you unconditionally."
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