Mumbai: Actor Rhea Chakraborty was called to Bandra police station on Thursday. She was interrogated for nine hours straight on Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide case.
On June 14, Sushant took his life by hanging himself from the ceiling at his Bandra residence.
According to preliminary reports, police confirmed that Sushant died by suicide. However, no suicide note has been recovered from his room.
With a motive to unearth the reason behind Sushant's suicide, Mumbai police is carrying out interrogation and so far the police have recorded the statement of more than 10 people.
According to a source, "In the last few months, the person who was the closest to Sushant was Rhea and they were together almost all the time. Police decided to call her first today," and interrogate her separately.
Revealing pieces of information about Rhea's interrogation, the source said: "Rhea was asked to show all the text messages exchanged between the two. Her entire phone was scanned, including all their pictures and videos together."
About their rumoured relationship, the source added: "Rhea spoke about living in with Sushant and also revealed that they were planning to buy a property as well, as revealed by their broker previously. She admitted that they did plan to get married by the end of 2020."
"Police raised suspicion about that and also asked her if they had decided to break up. It seems she informed the police how they had a fight and she left. She showed the text messages exchanged after that between her and Sushant and also told them that they did speak over calls," the source told a media outlet.