Mumbai:Actor Kangana Ranaut has not received any formal summons from the Mumbai Police, as a part of her probe into Sushant Singh Rajput's death case. Her team has put out a tweet on Wednesday evening, that she wants to record her statement, but there hasn't been any formal request from the police so far.
"There is no formal summon sent to Kangana, Rangoli keeps getting casual calls from the cops for past 2 weeks, Kangana wants to record a statement but we don’t get any response from @mumbaipolice, Here’s a screenshot of message Rangoli ji sent to @mumbaipolice," the handle called Team Kangana Ranaut tweeted.
The tweet also contained a screenshot of the conversation Rangoli had with the police.
As per the conversation shown in the screenshot, police officer told Kangana's sister Rangoli Chandel that an investigation was going on in Mumbai on a day to day basis. However, it seems that the Mumbai Police were not responding to Rangoli's calls.
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Rangoli further wrote, "Dear sir, As we spoke today kindly send us the questions u want to ask Ms. Kangana Ranaut so that Ms. Ranaut can record her statement accordingly. Mr. Ishakaran Bhandari and his number is , anything u need u can our legal team also they will help u with everything u need from our side . Sir we want justice for Sushant singh Rajput and we will co operate u in every possible way !!! Ms. Ranaut is more than willing to record her statement once we receive the questions from your side. Thank you in advance !!!"
This isn't the first time the Panga actor's team has expressed her enthusiasm for participating in the investigation. On July 2, the team wrote on Twitter, "Ms #KanganaRanaut hasn’t received any such request from @MumbaiPolice yet, but as and when she does, she is more than willing to co-operate,” a tweet by Kangana’s team read."
Meanwhile, the police are investigating allegations that professional rivalry, besides clinical depression, drove the actor to suicide.