Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide is being investigated by the Mumbai Police and so far the police have recorded the statement of more than 10 people. According to police sources, the statement of 5 well-known Bollywood filmmakers and producers will also be recorded. Rhea Chakraborty, a close friend of Sushant, has been summoned by Bandra police for questioning today.
A day after Sushant hanged himself, the police had started an all-encompassing probe into the suicide from various angles. The police had quizzed Rajput's friends Rhea and Mahesh Shetty on the incident, and some more persons are likely to be questioned. The Mumbai Police team has managed to unlock Sushant’s mobile and laptop.
Chakraborty was called to the police station by the investigating officer in the case. She reached the police station around 11.30 am, the official said.
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