Mumbai: Actor Surveen Chawla has opened up on casting couch. She said there was a time when director wanted to see how her cleavage looked, and another one was interested in her thighs.
The actor started her showbiz journey with the TV show Kahiin to Hoga and went on to act in more small-screen projects. She also featured in Telugu, Kannada and Tamil films apart from Bollywood movies.
The Hate Story 2 actor had to face the casting couch five times - thrice in South filmdom and twice in Bollywood.
"A director wanted to see how my cleavage looked. Another director wanted to see how my thighs looked," Surveen said in an interview with a tabloid.
She also revealed that there was a time when she was called overweight. "I went to give this audition and the person told me, 'You are overweight'. I was just 56 kilos and I thought the person needed glasses," she quipped.