Mumbai: Vikas Singh, lawyer of Sushant Singh Rajput's father KK Singh, on Wednesday said that it is a serious matter if the "drug issue" as reported by some media channels is true, and added that it may widen the scope of investigation in the actor's death case.
"If this drug issue is true as showed by some media channels yesterday then definitely it is a very serious matter. When the family got the FIR registered, there was an impression that Sushant was being over drugged. But then we meant prescription drug which was being administered on the instruction of some psychiatrist," Singh told ANI.
"But if now what is being disclosed is correct. This is actually banned drug and then it will lead to abetment of suicide as well as murder either of the two. The scope of proceedings will also widen. I feel that the matter is getting very serious. Hopefully, some major break will come from CBI," he said.
"The real question is whether she (Rhea Chakraborty) was responsible in administering something to Sushant contrary to his will or without her knowledge," the lawyer said.
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