New Delhi: The AIIMS medical board will hold a meeting with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is probing the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, on Tuesday to discuss the findings of the probe done by the agency and the CFSL teams that went to Mumbai, and then decide on the next course of action, sources said on Monday.
According to CBI sources, the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) forensic team will meet the agency's Special Investigation Team (SIT) team members at its headquarters in south Delhi's Lodhi road area.
The source said that after studying the report of the CFSL and the CBI's SIT, the AIIMS medical board will share its final conclusion on whether there was any foul play in the death of the late actor.
The source said that the agency will also share its findings with the AIIMS forensic team and then decide on the next course of action.
After taking over the case of Sushant's death on August 6, the CBI team had roped in the AIIMS forensic team for its assistance in studying the autopsy report prepared by the Cooper Hospital, the crime scene recreation and to guide the federal agency if there was any foul play in his death.
The AIIMS forensic team headed by Dr. Sudhir Gupta formed a medical board and the team also visited the Bandra flat of Sushant and recreated the crime scene.
The AIIMS team was also assisted by Sushant's sister Mitu Singh and late actor's flatmate Siddharth Pithani and personal staff Dipesh Sawant, Neeraj Singh and Keshav Bachne.
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Earlier, AIIMS sources have said that the forensic team is in the process of perusal of case after due medical board meeting and subsequent meeting with the CBI.