Mumbai:Widening its probe into the drug's connection in Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput death case, the NCB has summoned Karishma Prakash, the manager of actor Deepika Padukone, and Dhruv Chitgopekar, CEO of the Kwan talent management agency for questioning.
A top Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) official related to the probe said, "We have summoned Prakash, who works as a manager at Kwan and its CEO Dhruv".
The official said that they have been summoned as some WhatsApp chats showed they were allegedly involved in the drug case.
The development comes a day after the NCB officials said they will be issuing summons to Bollywood actors Sara Ali Khan, Shraddha Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh and fashion designer Simone Kambhatta this week for questioning in connection with its probe.
Besides Prakash and Dhruv, the NCB has also summoned Sushant's former manager Shruti Modi and talent manager Jaya Saha for more questioning.
The duo was questioned for over five hours on Monday by the NCB officials here.