Mumbai: Megastar Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday unveiled his thoughtful side and said he feels that lockdown days will be a memory of when people had all the time along with the loved ones close.
The 54-year-old actor took to Instagram and shared the thought with a selfie which he said "has nothing to do with the message, but he thought that he looked good in it, and so he sneaked it in."
The Raees actor, on the photo-sharing platform, shared that he believes, this lockdown situation when people are advised to stay at home, is going to be a memory, and we will remember the time of "when we had all the time on our hands and our loved ones in our arms." Shah Rukh also advised staying safe, distant and healthy amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Shah Rukh captioned the post as,"I believe this moment in our lives will finally be a memory of when we had all the time on our hands & our loved ones in our arms. Here's wishing this for every1. Stay Safe. Stay Distant. Stay Healthy. PS: The selfie has nothing to do with the msg, thought I look good, so I sneaked it in."