Mumbai: In line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call, several Telugu actors including Chiranjeevi, Nagarjun and Ram Charan have come forward to express their support and have requested people to light lamps on Sunday at 9 PM to make the programme successful.
Actor Chiranjeevi Konidela took to his social media handle on Saturday to show his solidarity and urged people to participate.
In the 45-seconds video shared on Twitter, the actor requested people to the light lamp, or use the phone's flashlight for nine minutes from the safety of their homes.
"Tomorrow #5thApr20 @9PMfor 9 minutes, ONLY from the safety of our homes, let us all light lamps to drive away the darkness and gloom of #Corona. Let us show that we are all united in this fight to save humanity. #LightForIndia #StayHomeStaySafe," the 64-year-old actor tweeted.
On the other hand, Telugu cinema's superstar, Nagarjun too shared a video message on Twitter.
Addressing PM Modi's call, the 60-year-old star requested people to light lamps on April 5th at 9 pm for nine minutes.
"Let's all light a lamp on April 5th at 9 pm for 9 minutes to drive the corona darkness away!! #IndiaFightsCorona #9MinutesForIndia #StayHomeSaveLives," he tweeted.
Meanwhile, following the footsteps of his father Chiranjeevi, the young star of the Telugu industry, Ram Charan, also reminded people about PM's '9 PM- 9 Mins’ appeal.