Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who has been in the limelight because of his philanthropic work, has promised to set up as many as 18 oxygen plants across various states of India. The 47-year-old actor is starting this noble deed from Kurnool and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh and Mangalore in Karnataka. He will soon set up the other oxygen plants across states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and many others. These 18 oxygen plants will cater to almost 5,500 beds.
Speaking about the initiative, Sonu said, "In the last few months we have seen that the biggest problem that we all have faced is oxygen and the unavailability of it. My team and I thought about what we should do to eradicate this oxygen problem from its roots. So, we decided that we should set up entire oxygen plants in as many places as possible." The actor added, "These oxygen plants would be installed mostly in hospitals where the poor people are given free treatment. With these oxygen plants being installed our aim is to ensure that not a single person in the country should die of the unavailability of a basic necessity like oxygen. Let's all come together and give a hand to the needy in these striving times."
Talking about the impending third wave of COVID-19, Sonu said, "This will solve the problem of oxygen forever. We now have 750 odd oxygen concentrators which we are giving out, and they're all for domestic usage. But the oxygen plants will keep giving oxygen for years to come. There wouldn't be a shortage of oxygen in these areas ever again. Why wait for a 3rd or a 4th wave or even a pandemic. These villages will get a complete flow of oxygen forever." Sonu also stated that these plants will get installed and start functioning within the next month.
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