Mumbai: During the lockdown, Sonu Sood has so far sent many migrant workers to their homes and helped the administration solve the migrant workers' problem to some extent. On the evening of June 5, the actor arranged buses for 220 people from Wadala.
Actor Sonu Sood facilitated the transport of the migrated workers in these buses, of which two buses went to Uttarakhand, one bus went to Tamil Nadu and three buses left for Uttar Pradesh. Sonu Sood had earlier transported migrant workers from Mumbai to Uttar Pradesh safely by bus from Mumbai to their hometowns and today Sonu carried out the responsibility of transporting 220 people back home.
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Due to the lockdown, the issue of migrant workers came to the fore and then he started arranging transport for them to reach their hometowns safely. Earlier, some started walking home and some had to cross a freight train. Unfortunately, some people lost their lives in all these exercises.
Sonu Sood continues to win hearts, arranges buses for 220 migrants In such a situation, hundreds of workers reached home safely thanks to Sonu's initiative and all arrangements were made for their food and drink during the journey. This initiative of the Bollywood actor has set a new example during difficult times and society needs many such who will help for the welfare of commoners.
Ever since news reports of Sonu arranging transportation for migrant workers to their hometowns became public, the Bollywood actor's social media timeline is being flooded with requests from people stuck in various corners