Mumbai: Actor Sonakshi Sinha, whose latest outing Dabangg 3 has hit screens on Friday, said that discussions about ensuing nationwide protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act are more important than the opening-day collections of her latest film.
Referring to the CAA protests, she said: "We all know what is going on in the entire country," further adding, "I think people know that what is more important, but I am honestly happy with audience response to our film. At this moment, entire country has come together on this matter (CAA protests) and it is more important than a film."
On the nationwide protests that are going on against CAA, Sonakshi said: "I am with the people of this country. I feel the way people are protesting on streets, you can't snatch that right from them. I am very proud of the people who have come out and voiced their opinion. I am with them."
When asked why several A-list Bollywood actors have avoided expressing their views on CAA, the 32-year-old actor said: "I think whoever wants to voice an opinion will voice, and whoever doesn't want, will not. After all, that is also their right."