Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rhea Chakraborty on Wednesday moved the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the probe by the Bihar police on the FIR filed against her by Sushant Singh Rajput's father for allegedly abetting the suicide of his actor son.
As Rhea, 28, also sought transfer of the FIR of Sushant's father Krishna Kumar Singh from Patna to Mumbai, a four-member Bihar Police team arrived in Mumbai to probe the `abetment to suicide' case registered against her and six others.
An FIR was lodged on the basis of the complaint by 74-year-old Singh against Rhea, the deceased actor's girlfriend, and six others on July 25 under various sections of the Indian Penal Code(IPC) including those pertaining to abetment of suicide and fraud, Inspector General of Police, Patna Zone, Sanjay Singh told PTI.
The move by Rhea to rush to the top court assumes significance in view of the fact that a Bihar police team is already in Mumbai and may seek to interrogate the actor as the FIR contained allegations of severe criminal offences such as abetment of suicide and criminal breach of trust.
Senior advocate Vikas Singh, who is the family lawyer of Sushant, alleged that Rhea's plea in the Supreme Court seeking transfer of the FIR from Patna indicated that "somebody in Mumbai police was helping her."
Singh said Rhea, who was seeking transfer of Sushant's case to CBI until now, has now chosen to move the top court for a stay on the investigation against her.
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