Mumbai: As Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput's untimely death stirred a debate over mental health, his close friend and actor Kriti Sanon on Wednesday slammed social media stating it to be the "most toxic place."
"It's strange that the otherwise trolling, gossiping world suddenly wakes up to your niceness and positive side once you are gone..Social media is the FAKEST, most toxic place," she tweeted.
Sanon who was among the celebrities who attended Rajput's funeral was being trolled all over the social media for not posting condolence message on social media despite being a close friend of the actor.
"If you haven't posted RIP or said something publicly, you are considered not to be grieving, when in reality, those are the people grieving for REAL. It seems Social Media is the new 'Real' world.. and the Real-world has become 'Fake'," the Heropanti actor further wrote.
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In the next series of her post, Kriti went on to talk about the stereotypes in the society that condition men to hide their sufferings and not cry.
"We need to stop phrases like "ladke nahi rote", "aise nahi rote", "don't cry, be strong" .. Crying is not a sign of weakness.. so cry your heart out, scream if you need to, know everything that you are feeling, its ok to not be ok, but talk it out with the one you feel might understand," she wrote.
"Take your time to heal.. Hold onto your family and people who genuinely love you and care about you.. Never let them go.. they are your strength and will be by your side no matter what.. so LET them be around.. no one is strong enough to battle life alone," her note further read.
Rajput had allegedly died of suicide at his Bandra residence by hanging himself on Sunday, as per the police.
The untimely death of Rajput has sent shockwaves among celebrities and his fans. Scores of actors and public figures from all quarters expressed their condolences.