Mumbai: Actor Sidharth Malhotra, whose last few films have performed below expectation at the box-office, has dismissed rumours that he is taking a sabbatical. Rather, pinning hope on his forthcoming release Marjaavaan, he added that makers of action drama have ensured that he is presented in the film in the best-possible manner.
There were reports that after Jabariya Jodi saw not-so-favourable response at the box-office, Sidharth had decided to take a sabbatical from signing new films, till he fathomed what kind of films he wanted to do. Before this, his only release in 2018, Aiyaaria had also flopped. Sidharth is fairly confident such fate will not repeat itself with Marjaavaan.
Sidharth was accompanied at Marjaavaan trailer launch event by co-actors Riteish Deshmukh, Tara Sutaria, and Rakul Preet Singh, besides the film's director Milap Zaveri. Producers Bhushan Kumar and Nikkhil Advani were also present at the event, held on Thursday in Mumbai.
READ | Marjaavaan trailer launch: Sidharth on playing larger than life role