New Delhi:Amid the controversy of her husband's arrest in the pornography case, actor Shilpa Shetty on Monday shared a motivational yoga video, encouraging her fans and followers to become their own warriors. After a long hiatus, Shilpa is back on social media and recently she shared a video with her millions of Instagram followers in which she can be seen performing multiple asanas.
Sharing the video, the Hungama 2 actor wrote, "Be your own warrior; strong enough to effect and defend positive change in your life. Whether it's a low or high point, I only turn to yoga. It's the best remedy for me to stay positive, focused, and balanced. One of the most calming yet energising routines is that of the empowering 'Virbhadrasana, Malasana, and the dynamic hip opening' flow."
The Atharvaveda: Shanti Sukta or the chant for peace is playing in the background of the video, which Shilpa described as "a complete package for the mind, body, and soul." In the video, Shilpa looked peaceful and composed. She signed off her post with, "Time to prove, 'Yoga se hi hoga'".
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