Mumbai:Actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra on Sunday penned an appreciation note for Sushmita Sen's comeback with web series Aarya and said that she's so happy to see her "back with a bang."
The Life In a Metro star put out a throwback picture with the former Miss Universe and heaped praises on her and the web series.
Beginning the appreciation post with a rainbow, Shilpa shared: "This Lockdown has taught me a few things, the first being how important it is to appreciate if you do then acknowledge and also Praise... I feel we are so miserly with praise .." and added that she'd binge-watched the web series Aarya on Sunday.
Appreciating the splendid performance by Sen in the series, the Apne star wrote: "So (Sunday) binge-watched #Aarya, and I have to say I'm soooo sooo happy to see you back ( with a bang) @sushmitasen47, WWWHHHAATTT a splendid job, such a nuanced performance. Loved every bit."
"@madhvaniram your grasp on the craft shines through, brilliantly cast... and @sikandarkher you were soo good, #aarya is a must-watch" she added.
Shilpa talked about the throwback picture she shared and wrote: "Lots has changed since this photo, what's not, is your indomitable spirit, your strength to overcome every hurdle and your pure love."