Mumbai: A Kashmiri Pandit woman lashed out at Vidhu Vinod Chopra at a screening of his new film Shikara on Friday. The filmmaker had turned out at the screening to get a firsthand public review of his film.
A video that has gone viral shows the woman screaming at Chopra for "commercialising" the entire issue of Kashmiri Pandit exodus, adding that he did not portray the true suffering of the community -- including genocide, mass rapes and murders committed by Islamic radical groups -- in his film. She said: "Ye aapka commercialism aapko mubarakh ho (congratulations to you for your commercialism). As a Kashmiri Pandit, I disown your film. I disown it."
Chopra was heard saying to the audience: "Har sachai ke do pehlu hote hain (every truth has two sides)."