Hyderabad (Telangana):It's been more than a week since Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar tied the knot. Pictures of their dreamy wedding, however, are still rage on social media. Shibani's bridal look is being lauded by the fashion police while her latest pictures donning a glittery outfit and flaunting her wedding date tattoo have sparked pregnancy rumours.
Shibani on Sunday shared a string of pictures on social media. In the pictures, Shibani is seen flaunting a tattoo of her wedding date in Roman numerals--XXI-II-XXII. As reported earlier Shibani and Farhan got their marriage registered on February 21 while they exchanged vows at Farhan's family farmhouse in Khandala on February 19.
SEE PICS | Holding hands to sharing hug, Farhan-Shibani share pics from civil wedding
The latest pictures of Farhan and Shibani are stunning as the ones from their wedding festivities. Amusingly, Shibani's pictures with hubby have triggered speculations about her pregnancy. Donning an off-shoulder figure-hugging dress, Shibani is seen posing with Farhan Akhtar. As soon as the actor posted the pictures, fans started speculating that baby is on the board for the newly married couple.
Farhan and Shibani took the plunge after dating for almost three years. If the speculations turn out to be true then it will be Farhan's third child as he already has two daughters Shakya, 21, and Akira, 15 with former wife Adhuna Bhabani.