Mumbai: Actor and television host Shekhar Suman said that he is travelling to Patna to meet the bereaved family of Sushant Singh Rajput and pay his tributes to the late actor.
The 57-year-old actor also informed that he will be meeting Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and will be requesting him to press upon a CBI inquiry into Sushant's death case.
Taking to Twitter on Monday, Suman wrote: "I'm going to my hometown Patna to meet Sushant’s father and pay my respect to him and the CM Shri Nitish Kumar and all the admirers and fans of Sushant to press upon #CBIEnquiryForSushant #justiceforSushantforum @NitishKumar."
In his earlier tweets, Suman said that he believes Sushant's death can't be a "simple suicide, " and stated that there was more to his death than just what "meets the eye."
Seeking justice for the Kai Po Che! actor, he also started a forum to amplify the demand for a CBI investigation into his case.
"So it has been declared that Sushant Singh’s was plain and simple suicide. Don't fall for that. I suspected this wd happen. The narrative was set from before. That’s why the forum has become all the more imp.plz raise your voices for a reinvestigation," Suman had tweeted earlier.