Mumbai: Veteran Shatrughan Sinha on Monday paid homage to late actor Feroz Khan on the occasion of his death anniversary.
The 74-year-old actor took to Twitter to pay tributes to the late Welcome star."Remembering with fondness a dear friend, dashing, debonair actor, producer, director #FerozKhan on his death anniversary. He was known as a popular style icon, who was very conventional in his films. His best works are Safar, Apradh, Dharmatma, Jaanbaaz, Qurbani, Yalgaar & Dayavan." Sinha tweeted.
The Naseeb actor also remembered the veteran actor for his legacy of evergreen films. He tweeted, "The presentation of his films, especially song picturization etc were very modern & way ahead of times. We cherish the legacy of evergreen films & songs left behind. You are loved & truly missed. Death anniversary."