Mumbai: Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha has clarified that he didn't take a dig at Akshay Kumar when he criticized celebrities for announcing their donation amount amid the COVID-19 lockdown. He appreciated Gabbar is Back actor's generosity and concern for the downtrodden, stated him "an example to all of us".
In an interview with leading portal, he said, "When I made that statement, I didn’t have Akshay Kumar in mind. People came to their own conclusion because Akshay has given Rs 25 crore for the virus-affected. I would never target Akshay for any taunt. He is not only my daughter Sonakshi’s leading man but also a dear family friend. We visit one another socially."
The veteran actor-turned-politician lauded Akshay's generosity and concern for the downtrodden.
"He is constantly tapping into his stardom to do good for the needy and the underprivileged. Whenever there is a cause, he’s always at the forefront to help. His generosity and concern for the downtrodden is an example to all of us," he added.